For GivingTuesday on Nov. 28, the Malouf Foundation is encouraging retailers to take its free OnWatch training at OnWatch is a survivor-led, one-hour training that empowers individuals to recognize and report the signs of domestic sex trafficking.
The OnWatch training was written by survivors of sex trafficking, and many of them share their own experiences. Through their stories, individuals learn what trafficking can look like in their communities, and more importantly, how they can safely report suspicious activity.
“OnWatch is a really easy way to make a difference. I hope everyone will set aside an hour of their time during the holidays to take the training,” says Kacie Malouf, co-founder and board chair of the Malouf Foundation. “There’s power in education and informing ourselves on this issue. That’s when we to start to understand the scope of the problem and how we can help.”
Retailers can also sign up for the free OnWatch Advocate program. Those enrolled in the program make a commitment to combat trafficking by training at least 90% of their employees through OnWatch. Once they reach that goal, groups receive a certification badge and marketing materials to share on their platforms.
Groups interested in the OnWatch Advocate program can visit or email for additional information. If you suspect trafficking in your community, contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text “info” to 233733. If someone needs help immediately, call local law enforcement.